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Current Committee

David is a naturalist, educator and ecological consultant, with particular interests in the conservation and ecology of frogs and reptiles. Most of his fieldwork is shared between Melbourne, the Murray Mallee and East Gippsland. He also maintains involvement with La Trobe University, Holmesglen Institute and The Field Naturalists Club of Victoria.

Treasurer /
Social Media Officer
Having recently started her Masters at the University of Melbourne, Venice is a newcomer to the field of conservation biology, but a long time frog lover. Her current research focuses on how chytrid fungus is impacting Victoria's Green and Golden Bell Frogs. As a big supporter for conservation, Venice hopes to share her research and passion for the environment with those around her.

(Extra)Ordinary Member
Sam Wallace is an Ordinary Member.
Newsletter editor
This could be you!
Edit (with support from sub-editor) Pobblebonk, the Frogs Victoria newsletter
Contact if you are interested in finding out more about this great role.

Thanks to our past Events Sub-committee members
Craig Cleeland
Dan Guinto
Melissa Hernandez Poveda
Sue Bendel
Candice Sexton
Maggie Haines
Stephanie Tomic
Teisha Sloane-Lay*
* Founding committee members

Vice President /
Communications Officer
Dani Wallace is an ecologist and a PhD candidate at the University of Melbourne, where she studies
frogs and the disease, amphibian chytrid fungus. Dani is a frog fanatic and loves being out in the
bush looking for wildlife. Previously, she worked as a field ecologist conducting surveys for
threatened species including frogs, gliders and owls in the forests of East Gippsland.

(Extra)Ordinary Member
Lynette is co-founder of Frogs Victoria. She is a conservation and biodiversity education specialist and previously worked in amphibian research across the world. Lynette completed a Ph.D. in the ecology of native Australian frogs at Monash University.

(Extra)Ordinary Member
Trish Nigro is an Ordinary Member.

Technology Support Officer
*Provides technical support to Frogs Victoria events, including, but not limited to:
Coordinating sound and video equipment for talks
*Uploads videos to YouTube channel
*Not required at all committee meetings
Please email if you're interesting in this role

Craig, sadly has spent far too much of his life chasing Victorian toadlets and other less interesting frogs along the way. To feed his addiction he has taken jobs as a zoologist and as a secondary/tertiary teacher/lecturer. He has attended rehab in Borneo almost every year for the past few decades but alas still can't break the Pseud habit. Currently semi-retired (pun intended) except strangely the months April/May.

(Extra)Ordinary Member
Matt is an ecologist and wildlife photographer with a passion for herpetology and threatened species conservation; particularly regarding threatened frogs and bioacoustics. In collaboration with Snowline Ecology and Zoos Victoria's Fighting Extinction team; Matt is currently leading fieldwork and surveys for the elusive Giant Burrowing Frog in eastern Victoria, as well as providing assistance on other threatened herpetofauna projects.

Event Subcommittee Members
Venice Chan
Ted Bell
Danielle Wallace
If you are interested in joining the Events Subcommittee, please email - you don't have to wait for the AGM!

Thanks to our past committee members
Nick Clemann*
Colin McHenry
Ruth Marr
Ted Bell
Maggie Haines
Candice Sexton
Stephanie Tomic
Teisha Sloane-Lay*
* Founding committee members
Interested in joining the Frogs Victoria committee? Please contact us.
Elections are held at the Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting if there is a vacancy. Please see the document below for more details.
Frogs Vic Committee Roles and Responsibilities
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