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POBBLEBONK: The Frogs VIC Newsletter

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Issue 11
New Year 2025

 Have something you’d like to contribute to Pobblebonk?

We publish anything frog-related (Vic preferred), for example:​

  • Tales from the field

  • Natural history notes

  • Photos

  • Frog related opportunities

  • Book reviews

  • Event reports

  • Articles up to 500 words with a few photos.


If you have something to include, please email the editor by January 14th 2025:

Lance Lloyd with a captured Growling Grass Frog at the Bendigo Water Reclamation Plant.png

Issue 8
Winter 2023

  • Reintroducing Growling Grass Frogs

  • Monitoring Growling Grass Frogs in Melbourne 

  • Introducing the new Frogs of Victoria book

  • Frog related opportunities

  • Amphibian Genetics Consortium

  • Frogs Vic on Film

  • Frogs On in Victoria

  • Around the (Pit) Traps news update

Litoria quiritatus by Dave.jpg

Issue 5
New Year 2022

  • A new Victorian frog species

  • Captive breeding

  • Studying frog communication

  • Around the (Pit) Traps news update

  • Frogs On in Victoria

  • Notice of the Frogs Vic 2022 AGM


Genoa River after 2020 fires (2).JPG

Issue 2
Winter 2020

  • Update from the VIC bushfires

  • La Trobe Uni Amphibian Workshop

  • Frog life in lockdown

  • Message from Patron Murray Littlejohn

  • Obituary: Mike Tyler

  • News and updates from Frogs VIC

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Issue 10
Winter 2024


  • A new committee for 2024

  • Frogs On in Victoria

  • Around the (Pit) Traps news update


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Issue 7
New Year 2023

  • Growling Grass Frogs comprises two sub-species

  • Searching for Sloane's Froglet

  • Yellow-spotted Bell Frog taxonomy reassessed

  • Mini-conference debrief

  • Notice of the Frogs Vic 2023 AGM

  • Frogs On in Victoria

  • Around the (Pit) Traps news update

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Issue 4
Winter 2021

  • Population of threatened frogs found in East Gippsland

  • Frogs On in Victoria

  • Congratulations Dr Jane Melville AM

  • How can I get frogs in my pond?

  • News and updates from Frogs VIC


Issue 1
New Year 2020

  • News from the first year of Frogs VIC


Issue 9
New Year 2024


  • Toadlets galore!

  • 2024 AGM notice

  • Frogs On in Victoria

  • Around the (Pit) Traps news update




Issue 6
Winter 2022

  • Frogs caught on camera

  • Gone Growling Citizen Science Project

  • Year of the Frog

  • Around the (Pit) Traps news update

  • Frogs On in Victoria

  • A new journal of taxonomy

  • Frogs Vic AGM wrap-up

Litoria watsoni NSW.jpg

Issue 3
New Year 2021

  • Notice of the 2021 Frogs Vic AGM

  • VIC's newest frog species: Large Brown Tree Frog, Litoria watsoni

  • How long do frogs live?

  • News and updates from Frogs VIC

Have something you’d like to contribute?


If you have an idea for a newsletter article, or a photo you’d like us to include, please email the editor:


Reproduction/republishing of articles:

To reproduce Frogs Victoria newsletter material in any form, you must receive express permission from the author and/or photographer, give them full and appropriate credit and include a note that the material has been reproduced from the Frogs Victoria newsletter. Please also include a link to our website and/or our logo.

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